
I spent a day with the UCI team CCCLiv a few days ago. I’ve visited Rocacorba Cycling where they were doing a training stage before the season kicks off this 2019.
After the last bike-checking, we head to Mare de Déu del Mont, one of the classic climbs in Girona. The atmosphere was really good, the team looks strong and really compenetrate.
Mare de Déu it’s a long climb with an impressive views
Breathe, water and checking the views before to start the decent.
Decent was really interesting on the back, looking the team moving like a just one long snake, an orange one at least.
On the way back home I had the change to ride wheel by wheel with Marianne Vos, a world champion legend. It was nice /and fast/ ride back, showing she is more than a champion, a super kind person, talkative and always with a smile.
Season just started, as always I recommend you to follow and watch as many races of the women races, strong and super exciting ones, and for sure, follow the CCCLivTeam, they will do a great season.
Special thanks to Ashleigh Moolman Pasio, one of their riders, a friend who invited me to that ride.