Everesting Challange – Girona

We all had a different year we had in mind one year ago; no travel, lockdowns, restrictions and a lot of rides and races got suspended due to Covid, so everyone filled those gaps with personal challenges.
My friend Oriol had in mind to do an Everesting Challange, for those who don’t know, and this challenge consists in climb the same altitude of Everest (8,848m) in one climb on a single ride.
The first attempt was last summer what the things were wrong, it was the hottest day around here and he couldn’t finish, so he started to think in a second attempt later on, and we suggested him to do it in St Marti Sacalm, one of the best climbs in Girona.
If it’s important to him, it’s important to us.
Part of the crew was there to support him, and Oriol Batista on the camera to film the whole challenge. I had the change to drive several times up to film and took some pictures with my camera.
He set up the challenge in 231kms, 12h and 9092m2 elevation.

Here the video, enjoy it!